Jesus has said that the “Kingdom of God is within you” in Luke 17:21. The question becomes, OK, where is it within me and if it is there, how do I access it? Part of that answer comes in the previous verse of Luke 17:20 when Jesus tells the Pharisees, “The Kingdom of God does not come by observation”, and then, “We will not say behold it in here or there”.
This is a way of saying that we can’t touch it, see it, or experience it in the physical world. It is an invisible energy for good waiting for us to connect with it and give it direction on how it can help us.
So now the question comes again, how do I make that connection? The answer to this question is answered in Luke 12:29, “Do not be anxious about what you will eat or drink and let not your mind be disturbed by these things”.
So he is telling us not to worry, we have a way to connect with the power of the Universe when we need things.
Then in Luke 12:31 Jesus says also, “Seek the Kingdom of God within and all these things will be added to us”.
Putting these ideas together, Jesus is telling us that there is nothing to do, see, and figure out in the physical world. What we are to do is to, go within ourselves, quiet the mind, stop all worry and self-talk and quietly use our Divine Power of imagination to create a picture in our mind of the perfect outcomes we desire and then let it go, knowing through faith, it will appear. This is the miracle of creation that we are promised!
This is the promise of the Spiritual Path. This is the path that Paul suggested in Romans 12:2 when he said, “Do not imitate the ways of the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”
This is the path we are following as we return to the Father’s House.
We are here to learn to use our Divine Imagination and solve the problems that we encounter by learning to let go, and let God do His miraculous work through us. This is who we are!