Science and Spirituality have pretty-well determined that there are subtle energies through out the Universe that we unconsciously send and receive. These energies create the foundation blocks of our life and how we experience it. These energies are the things that the Bible talks about when it says “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he” in Proverbs 23:7.
The ego mind finds it difficult to really grasp the idea that the thoughts I am allowing to dwell in my mind are the very things, events, situations, opportunities, and people that show up in my life. We want to say that people are lucky when good things happen, and people are victims and unlucky when bad things happen. That way any thing that happens is completely outside of me and I can blame others when negative things happen and thank my lucky stars when positive things happen.
Jesus tells us in Luke 6:37 “Judge not and you will not be judged, condemn not and you will not be condemned, forgive and you will be forgiven.” Is it any wonder that there is so much dissension and anger in our world today? How about violence, revenge, hate, criticism, and the other killers of peaceful relationships. I am not sure that folks understand the problems that they create for themselves and loved ones when they think these subtle energies of negativity into their lives.
We can build a foundation of love, peace, abundance and the other gifts of Spirit. Jesus again in Luke 6:48 tells us to “build a foundation by digging deep and lay it on rock so when the flood comes it will not shake the house.” “The Kingdom of Heaven is within.” Our true nature is of the Christ Light and when we learn to tame the ego mind and learn to create the Christ Mind thoughts, our lives and those around us are lifted-up to a higher order of outcomes.
This takes a new set of tools. We have been trained by the ego mind to live in a world of competition, struggle, lack, etc. We need a new set of tools to live in a world created by our Christ Selves, and we need to travel this new path together.