In the past few weeks I have been ruminating about where we unconsciously think our idea of a power source, influence, or what we call God is located. It appears that a lot of us think that everything that affects me is “out there” somewhere. This means that anything that occurs in my life, good or bad, is created by someone or something that is outside of me. Basically, it is someone else’s fault if things don’t go my way or God’s will that things happen to me. If good things happen, I was lucky, my prayers were answered, or some other statement that reinforces the idea that I am a victim or recipient of an unseen power that controls what happens to me.
The irony is that power we seek is already within us. Jesus tells us in Luke 12:31 “…seek you first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.” So, what happens to us is always created by us before it happens to us. The simple law of attraction is given us by our master teacher. Thoughts held in mind produce in kind. Make a connection in consciousness with the power that created the universe and you are tapping into the perfect pattern that keeps the universe in perfect balance. Make a connection with the energy that has co-opted the power of the universe with it’s error thinking and you are tapping in to the chaos, lack, violence and other negative patterns that are prevalent in the ego’s world.
It takes a shift in thinking and a new understanding and outlook on life to make the transition to the spiritual path we are suggesting. Please join with us as we journey on this path back to the Father’s house. This Easter time is a perfect time to look at the example that Jesus gave us by leaving the old way behind and resurrecting into a new spiritual body.