Another Spiritual Principle to Consider
Our next spiritual principle that we are investigating is Self-Reflection or Introspection. Taking time to reflect on our beliefs, values and our life. This is a constant self-evaluation that deeply and honestly, in meditation and prayer, asks those questions that we do not want to ask. Questions like, “what do I really believe? “ Do I really believe deep down within me that I am a child of divinity? “Am I being honest with myself and following the principles faithfully and consistently? “ Am I just hoping that all this is true, or do I have a solid conviction of faith and trust that I know without a doubt that my spiritual path will take me back to the Father’s House and a Garden of Eden understanding?
The apostle John, in 1 John1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” We know that the metaphysical interpretation of this passage is basically telling us that if we are honest about our error thoughts and ask for forgiveness from our higher Christ self, those error thoughts that are creating challenges in our life will be mitigated.
This is the evaluation that is part of our spiritual path. This is the internal inventory that requires us to look at the events in our life, take responsibility for the challenges and then, in silence, ask those questions that we really don’t want to ask. The promise is that Spirit, “is faithful and just to forgive those foibles and bring divine order into our lives and affairs.”
This is the step that brings solutions, answers, and change into our lives. The question then becomes: “do we have the faith and trust in spirit to include this principle into our lifestyle?” Again, it appears that the only way to find out is to do it and do it long enough to prove to ourselves that we will operate from faith on our spiritual path.