Any ship at sea needs a pilot to steer the vessel and a navigator to plot the course and speed of the vessel. The navigator is the person responsible for getting the vessel safely to a predetermined port or location. The pilot is responsible for the ship itself and following the directions of the navigator to get the ship to its destination.
The navigator has to know where we are, who we are, what are our capabilities, know exactly where we are going and navigate around any problems that might be in the way. The pilots job is to follow and trust the directions they are given by the navigator.
The pilot steers the vessel left or right (ok, port or starboard) goes faster or slower or stops the vessel. The navigator has all kinds of electronics, maps, etc. for their use in setting the course. So, who knows how to accomplish the mission of taking the ship to its successful destination? Obviously, the navigator.
What a metaphor to consider for life. We are like a pilot making everyday decisions in our lives without a real understanding of some vital information needed to create a life that we are here to experience. We need answers to questions like who and what am I, what am I here to do, what are the gifts that I am here to share and the big one, how am I going to do it?
I don’t know about you, but I have really needed a good navigator in life to get me past all the advice from others that has kept me going around in circles. Lots of ideas of what I should do, good intentions that were incorrect and just plain inept guidance. Do not misunderstand me. I agree that there were many good intentions given with love. However, most of the guidance came from past experiences and events that didn’t know the future, didn’t know my heart and life direction. There is no way that normal human advice or navigation could take me to the highest best outcome for my life.
Our Daily Word for September 28 reminds us to “let go and let God.” The scripture for that day is from Phillipians 2:13: “It is God that is at work within you, enabling both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” What a wonderful picture of life guided by Spirit. God within is our navigator for all of life telling us how to steer our vessel of life. When to go, when to stop and which direction to go in.
All we must do is learn to say yes and let go of our own need to be right. This is letting go, surrendering and saying to God, Aye, Aye Sir.
It could be time to learn from a new Master navigator for life. That is our path back to the Father’s House. It starts with starting over by changing to the navigator that knows what they are doing. This is the essence of Spirit within you.