We talk about life energy but what is it. Charles Fillmore, in “The Dynamics of Living”, defines life energy as “The pure life of God that flows into mans consciousness through the spiritual body idea.” This idea is the acceptance that we are each a holy child of divinity, complete and whole just as we are allowing the gifts of Spirit to radiate from us into the physical world around us as love, peace, harmony and abundance.
As a practical application of principle, it requires us to accept everything in our world just as it is. One of the subtle lessons that Jesus shared with us in Matt.5:37 tells us to, “let our words be yes, yes and no, no; for anything which adds to these is a deception.” Which tells us to look at and accept things as they are without making them sound better or even worse. It is what it is, accept things as they are and move on.
We get so wired into “the way things should be” that we forget that life flows in the path of least resistance. That path is the Christ Path or Spiritual Path when we allow it. The Spiritual Path is the highest and best path to arrive at our highest and best outcomes. Maybe that path brings us things we don’t expect and because it doesn’t fit our personal map of reality, we judge it wrongly and get all upset about our failures.
So, the question becomes, who is guiding our life energy? The Christ Spirit within us or our made-up stories of what our life should look like? The Christ Spirit within us already has the plan for our life. We just need to accept everything that occurs as good and move forward in anticipation that the flow of life takes us on the easiest paths to our life’s fulfillment.
The path of least resistance is always the easiest path to follow. That is the surrendered spiritual path of Oneness and Love.