We are normal human beings on our way to becoming supernatural. All of us have experienced miracles at some point in time. We have overcome adversity, disease, lack, relationship issues, and many of the trials and tribulations of the human existence. These miracles we have experienced on our way to these times of overcoming, have helped us develop the skills that hard wire a new outlook on life and allow us to put in place new strategies to deal with the ongoing saga of life. We become supernatural as we learn the skills of love, forgiveness, compassion, patience, persistence, faith, trust, prayer and surrender.
Paul says in Romans 12:2, “Do not imitate the way of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may discern what is that good and acceptable will of God.” Scripture tells us in many places that the will of God is peace, joy, abundance, love and it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.
The way of the world has been so programmed into our consciousness that it is sometimes difficult for us to recognize it when it pops up in our thinking. Anything that sounds like, hate, anger, revenge, criticism, complaining, condemnation or other similar words are the worlds programming sneaking into our life. These are the words that cloud over our divine selves and block the supernatural energies from our experience.
Paul clearly tells us that our minds are renewed and actually rewired to our natural state of being a supernatural entity experiencing the miracles of life when we begin using the wonderful words of faith and love.
This rewiring takes time, a program of prayer and meditation, study of the spiritual principles, and a supportive group of like-minded souls. Once we have a direct experience of miracles in our life, we learn to replicate those experiences from our new state of awareness and live a life of love and appreciation. We can then share the miracle that we are and the gifts we have been given.