You are already accomplished is the Truth about you. You will notice that the word “Truth” begins with a capital T signifying that imbued within you and every other human being, now present to life, is an expression of divinity. You are an ambassador of love, harmony and peace. The problems that occur in our lives are simply indicators that we have forgotten who we really are and how to access the divine nature that we are. You and I are not guilty and sinful and being punished for our wayward ways. We are just lost in the confusion of the fantasies that have been created around us, through us and by us. “The cement that is used by the ego to hold together this house of illusions is only our fear.” (ACOL,pg.328)
The simple suggestions by Jesus are the tools that are available to us to break the bonds that the ego has so cleverly tied around us. There is a way out. There is an answer to returning to a Garden of Eden existence. There is a way to live in the love, peace, harmony and joy promised in the Christian scriptures. That way is the spiritual path, that if embraced consistently, completely, and with a joyful spirit can unlock the bonds of the ego and deliver the promises that have been made to us by the master teacher, Jesus.
These are some of the ideas that have been shared with us from scripture:
- Be still and know that I am God,
- The Kingdom is within,
- Close the inner door to your awareness and listen in the silence
- Do not worry or be afraid, it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you all that you need,
- By grace are you saved by faith,
- God already knows what you need,
- Be quiet and don’t puff yourself up (brag), and
- You are the Light of the world.
Here is the key, are you ready: we must learn a new set of rules that are hidden within the divine self that you already are and leave the old rules of fear, anger, jealousy, competition, victimhood and the other negative aspects of the ego behind you. This takes a step of courage to ponder this new way of being present in life and even more courage and persistence to continue on the path out lined in the teachings of Jesus.
I love you and appreciate you and I also challenge you to see only good in everything and everyone you see. That will be a major step toward manifesting universal peace on earth. One small step at a time. We are One.