In Exodus 3:14 Jehovah revealed himself to Moses as “I am that I am” and again in the New testament revealed himself to Jesus as the Father within.
The Revealing Word Dictionary of Metaphysical Terms, defines Jehovah or Yahweh (the original Hebrew form of Jehovah) as “The self-existent one” or in our current understanding, God or Universal Energy.
There are many interpretations of the quote from Exodus 3 giving a name for God, however, the one that intrigues me the most is: “I am that, I am.” (please notice the addition of a simple comma and how it changes the understanding of the statement) Jehovah God is saying, I am whatever you see or wish to see. In my opinion sharing the idea that we are the creators of whatever we see or expect to see. We are the radiant energy of the Christ consciousness creating our world as we go.
Let’s look at the phrase, I am, followed by any set of words. When we say I am, we are calling forth the evocative powers of our inner creator setting up an intention that the following words are a command to the creative inner self to create what we are asking for? Jesus tells us that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. Whatever we ask for is ours.
The question then becomes, what are we experiencing in life, are we happy with the outcomes we are getting and what I am (insert your word) statements do we have to clean up to live the lifestyle we seek. This is becoming conscious of what we think, say and do.
The simple process of forgiving, loving, prayer and expecting only the best in all ways is the short cut back to the Father’s house.
We are here to grow and expand the consciousness of our world. Maybe even find the answer to the elusive solution to world peace. We can only get there when we ourselves, each individually, learn how to create peace, love and harmony in our personal lives. We can do that together in spiritual community.