Jesus says in Matthew 5, You are indeed the light of the world…… “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify the Father.”
The material world is in a turmoil, anxiety and fear dominate. Our friends and neighbors are concerned about the future. Worried that life will never be the same. Wondering what is next. Paul says in Ephesians 4:22-24, “Lay aside all your former practices……and be renewed in the spirit of your mind.”
Our master teacher, Jesus, tells us “Do not be afraid for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) “Do not worry for your life.” (Matthew 6:25) “Seek first the Kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)
The Bible goes on and on with similar words of encouragement and support. The key to the whole process is in someone believing the words and putting them into actual practice, knowing that we are spiritual beings, living in a material world of our own making, and we can wake up and claim our child of God birthright right now.
As spiritual beings, we live in God’s world of love, happiness, safety and love. Anything other than this state of being is part of the illusion to be denied. This is a story so difficult to explain that mere words cannot convey their meanings to the world. The only way to convey these spiritual ideas is through our life and actions. This is why Jesus called us the light of the world. The only way we can share our beliefs is by living and being what we believe.
We must be doers of the word as well as believers of the word.
Now is a time of renewing, leaving the old self behind and becoming a beacon of light and love in our personal world. The world has many experts that can tell us what’s wrong and how they would correct it. Jesus gave us two commandments: love thy neighbor and love the Lord. Maybe things would change quickly in our world by following those principles. That is where you come in as the “Light of the World”.