We have just forgotten who we are and what we are here to do. Jesus tells us very clearly in Luke 17:21 “…for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you.” He also says “You are indeed the light of the world…” in Matt. 5:14. (Lamsa).
The world of the ego is set up to keep us searching and struggling to find the answers to life and happiness. We read books, attend seminars, listen to audio programs, and watch videos to find these illusive answers. We are told to pray, attend Sunday services, trust God, and become saved from our evil ways. At the same time, we have been programmed to believe that we are sinful, guilty, not good enough and flawed as human beings. These contradictions have been so programmed into our subconscious minds over the years, that it is really difficult to believe and act upon the simple beliefs that Jesus shared with us 2000 years ago.
The new world of intention, love, trust, and belief in Divinity are our new standards of action that creates the new world we are seeking.
The kingdom of God is a simple statement telling each of us that everything we are looking for is already within us. The light is who you are. You are actually the secret you are looking for. You are the light that is waiting to wake up to your spiritual Self. Each of us is evolving to a higher level of spiritual understanding. We are birthing the world of Spirit working through us to bring the new paradigm of love, peace, harmony, abundance and all the other gifts of Spirit.
The problem with this scenario is that we can’t get there with the beliefs and strategies we have learned from the physical world of the ego. It requires a new spiritual strategy of the Christ Mind to create a new world. This requires us to leave behind what we have learned and experienced in the physical world and consciously enter the new thinking of the spiritual world. The old ways don’t work for us anymore. The new world of intention, love, trust, and belief in Divinity are our new standards of action that creates the new world we are seeking.