When challenges occur in our lives, we have a tendency to start looking for answers and advice. We might seek a counselor, talk to a friend, read a book, or some other source of guidance outside of our selves. When we do this, we are denying that sweet presence within us that is always there, waiting to guide us and direct us into a spiritual solution to every challenge. We are talking about that Christ Consciousness that is really who we are.
Jesus clearly tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven is within and then tells that we are to focus on this kingdom within and everything we are looking for will be added to us. We are already complete and whole just as we are. Jesus also tells us numerous times not to worry. Just have faith and things will work out.
The world’s message is different. We are trained to worry, fear, get angry, seek revenge, disdain, compete, fight, and protect ourselves from the hostile world around us. This training keeps us focused on the world outside of us which keeps creating the world outside of us.
Within each of us is the answer we are looking for. The Christ Consciousness that we are is waiting for each of us to wake up to the beautiful spirit that we are and claim our child of God status. We can start this journey by beginning and sustaining a program of meditation, study, and spiritual change that focuses on seeking the kingdom within us.