This wonderful challenging statement is from the preface to Eric Butterworth’s book, “Unity A Quest for Truth”. This statement sums up the teachings of Unity and opens up a new dialogue on ancient principles that come down to us from the teachings of Jesus, Paul, and teachers from other religions and faiths.
The challenge for us becomes deciphering the years of historical interpretations that have occurred with the establishment of theological and religious doctrines that have obscured the original simple messages of spiritual awakening to our true Self. Messages that point the way to the Kingdom within and the life style that waits for us as an aware human being.
Jesus clearly tells us over and over again to not worry, be afraid, be angry, or seek revenge. He then tells us what to do by saying, love God, love yourself, love your neighbor, observe nature and how it grows and is taken care of.
Jesus then sums it all up by saying to seek the Kingdom of God which is there within us. This simple statement takes us back to the statement in the title of this article. We can change our lives by altering our thoughts.
So, what thoughts do we change and what should we be thinking about to live a happy and productive life? How about the suggestion of Jesus to stop worrying and start loving everything about life!
Paul, in Romans 12:2 tells us that we can be transformed by the renewing of our minds which just reinforces the simple teachings of Jesus. We become what we think about. Our job is to relearn the basics of being able to discern what to think about and following a new path in life. A spiritual path that returns us to our true Higher Self, waiting for us to accept who we are!