You are a spark of good energy floating in the Universe, making a difference in the everyday life of those around you. We can make this difference for ourselves, our families and our fellow humans when we live from the teachings of Jesus, our master teacher and also Paul who tells us in Colossians 3: 8-12, ”But put off behind you all anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, and foul conversations. Do not lie to each other and put away the old life with all its practices. Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on mercy, kindness, gentleness, humbleness of mind, meekness and patience. Let the peace of the Christ govern your hearts.”
Each of us matters to each other. We live in a society – culture – neighborhood – family, where we must depend on each other and support each other in the simple acts of survival we each perform every day. The food we eat is grown by a farmer and trucked to us by a freight company and stocked on shelves by a neighbor we probably don’t know. We journey to work, school, gym and errands each day, through an amazing series of roads, signs, lights, and other challenges knowing that everyone is following the rules of the road (most of the time) and I will arrive at my destination safely.
Each of us makes a difference in the vast cacophony of life. It all fits together in a huge divine jig saw puzzle that seems to work when each of us follows the rules and does our part in the symphony of life. For our lives to work out super well, Paul clearly gives us the patterns to follow in this passage from his letter to the folks in Colosse. These suggested patterns from Paul are primarily focused on bringing the spiritual awareness of life into the daily physical lives we are experiencing.
In today’s world, these ideas might be considered radical behavior. Maybe it is time to bring the ideas of love, appreciation and kindness into our fractured culture of anger, hate, and bitterness. We are learning to share love. Join with us as we bring these new/old strategies into our neighborhoods and families. This is a project in which everyone plays a part and everyone’s energy matters.